IRM - International Reenactmentmarket

the International Market for Living History, Reenactment and Experimental Archaeology

Zur deutschen Version


Application for IRM

Concept of the IRM*

Participants IRM2024

Program IRM2024*

Contact Details

Exhibition Rooms






Website Changes*



NOTICE: Pages marked with an asterix* are currently available in German language only. We apologise for this inconvenience, but we are working on this issue ...



Application for participation in the IRM2025 at the RömerWelt Museum



No need to apply if you plan to visit the Internationale Reenactmentmesse / International Reenactmentmarket IRM2025.

You are very welcome to visit the RömerWelt Museum and the IRM on the IRM-weekend!


Participants / traders needed to apply for the Internationale Reenactmentmesse / International Reenactmentmarket via email to or via the postal way to the RömerWelt.

Traders and craftspeople are invited to appy for participation in the IRM2025. Application starts on January 10th and ends on March 1rst (or earlier, if the space is totally booked out).


In order to introduce the RömerWelt am caput limitis as the new IRM location we prepared two short clips. Both roofed galleries which can house displays during the IRM are displayed in these short clips.

RömerWelt am caput limitis: introduction and the lower gallery (Videoformat MP4; ca. 80 MB; German language)

RömerWelt am caput limitis: the upper gallery (Videoformat MP4; ca. 27 MB; German language)

Please use one of these forms for your application:

Word-Document (Windows .docx): Download IRM2024-Application.docx
PDF-Document: Download IRM2024-Application.pdf
Some more information about the IRM is available in this letter of application
PDF-Document: Download IRM2024-Letter-Application.pdf
Please send your application to:
via eMail:

via post / mail:

Arienheller 1
56598 Rheinbrohl
Deutschland / Germany / Allemagne / Duitsland

Details such as range of presented goods or services, contact details, website etc. should be given in the application form linked above. Also use this opportunity to tell us, where you like to have your display / presentation and the dimension. In case of download problems, please conact us by email so that we can send the aplliance form to you directy. Please fill out the form asap and return it via email or the postal way. You may add pictures illustrating your presentation.

Based upon the appliance form you will receive an eMail (approximately in the middle of March) stating the location of your display / presentation at the IRM.

All applications are vaild when listed in the list of participants in the IRM2024.

IRM2022 fees:

presentation gallery (outside) 0 € / m front length of presentation
presentation outside area (open) 0€ / m front length of presentation
energy (230V, German socket!) 10 € / presentation

We will not charge our craftsmen and traders a participation fee for the IRM2024. By this, we hope to support especially small businesses.
Only an amount of 10 Euros will be charged for 230V energy (if needed).



IRM - International Reenactmentmarket (Germany)

copyright © 2011-2024 - - -

A RömerWelt Rheinbrohl event