| IRM - International Reenactmentmarket the International Market for Living History, Reenactment and Experimental Archaeology | |
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The IRM is always a good opportunity to take a first glimpse at a couple of "first-time-ever-presentations". Since the IRM itself is not too big, these premieres will be only presented separately on this website. During the IRM itself, these pieces will be presented at the individual displays. Archaeotechnik textile Flaeche offers a tombola during the IRM2014! Feel free to visit Hans and Marled Mader's display in the Roman bath of the Villa Borg for details ... We hope that this causes a stir and wish good luck for all participants! The Archaeotechnik textile Flaeche's display at the IRM2014 is located in the last room of the Villa Borg's bath (Raum 9). BOOK PREMIERE PRESENTATION BUCHPREMIERE EXPERIMENTELLE ARCHÄOLOGIE: RÖMISCHE GLASÖFEN (EXPERIMENTAL ARCHEOLOGY: ROMAN GLASS FURNACES) BY FRANK WIESENBERG We are very happy to announce the new book issued by the Archeological Park Roman Villa Borg at the IRM2014! This book witten by Frank Wiesenberg will be presented in the lecture "Das römische Glasofenprojekt der Villa Borg (The Villa Borg's Roman Furnace Project" and covers the reconstruction of a glass furnace based on an excavation in Trier and the first firing in 2013. Bibliographical record: www.glasrepliken.de/p_publikation_roemische_glasoefen.htm NEW GLASSES MADE ACCORDING TO THE 2012 COLOGNE CATHEDRAL EXCAVATIONS The Brillenmacher - HD Kunstwerk's display on the IRM2014 will feature some nicely made glasses. They are based on glasses found in the excavations unter the Cologne Cathedral in 2012: The Brillenmacher - HD Kunstwerk's display at the IRM2014 is located in the big exhibition tent (area 12). NEW ROMAN CERAMIC VESSELS BY XAN-TST After the rebuilding of the workshop is almost done, the Keramikwerkstatt XAN-TST from Xanten presents some new Roman beakers and pots at the IRM2014. This is just a preview: The Keramikwerkstatt XAN-TST's display at the IRM2014 is located in the Villa Borg's large hall (Raum 2). ROMAN FIBULAE AT WWW.ROMANGLASSMAKERS.DE On the IRM2014, www.romanglassmakers.de presents a nice range of Roman fibulae (brooches) dating from 1rst to 3rd C AD. Z To clear our stock, many items are REDUCED DRAMATICALLY in price! The www.romanglassmakers.de's display at the IRM2014 is located in the Villa Borg's large hall (Raum 2). Fotos: www.roemischer-vicus.de TURNED WOODEN ITEMS BY ZEITENHANDEL Zeitenhandel displays a lot of new wooden tableware on the IRM2014. This is just a short glimpse at some of the news:
The Zeitenhandel's display at the IRM2014 is located in the last room of the Villa Borg's bath (Raum 9). Fotos: Zeitenhandel FULLY ORGANISED MEDIEVAL SCOTTISH HIGHLANDS-TOUR Antike.com
/ Mittelalter.Com presents the first fully organised 'Medieval Tour' through
the Scottish highlands. Some info is already available online: kontor.mittelalter.com/de/NEU:-Reisen/10taegige-Highlands-Mittelalter-Lager-Reise. The Antike.com / Mittelalter.Com's display at the IRM2014 is located in the Villa Borg's open area (area 12). ZEITENSPRUNG'S NEW BIG PROJECT Right
in time for the IRM2014, Zeitensprung
finished the new project: The trousers may look a little unimpressable at first
sight, but were quite tricky nevertheless. The threads were spun in SZ-pattern,
the fabric was hand woven and the trousers are hand sewn of course. The trourers
might have been worn by a farmer from the Schleswig region around 800/900 AD. Silvia
Bestgen's Zeitensprung-Blog
features a lot of posts about this topic. The youngests directs to the others:
(in German language). The Zeitensprung's display at the IRM2014 is located in the last room of the Villa Borg's bath (Raum 9). Foto-Collage: Zeitensprung (Details my be subject to change.) |
- International Reenactmentmarket (Germany) |