IRM - International Reenactmentmarket

the International Market for Living History, Reenactment and Experimental Archaeology

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Application for IRM

Concept of the IRM*

Participants IRM2025

Program IRM2024

- Premieres IRM2017
- Lectures IRM2017
- Premieres IRM2016
- Lectures IRM2016
- Premieres IRM2015
- Lectures IRM2015
- Premieres IRM2014
- Lectures IRM2014
- Exhibition IRM2013
- Premieres IRM2013
- Lectures IRM2013
- Premieres IRM2012
- Lectures IRM2012
- Premieres IRM2011
- Lectures IRM2011

Contact Details

Exhibition Rooms






Website Changes*



NOTICE: Pages marked with an asterix* are currently available in German language only.




Program of the IRM2017 - Premiere presentations


The IRM is always a good opportunity to take a first glimpse at a couple of "first-time-ever-presentations".

Since the IRM itself is not too big, these premieres will be only presented separately on this website. During the IRM itself, these pieces will be presented at the individual displays.


We are proud to host a new book presentation at the IRM2017!

The new book on Roman glass manufacturing techniques features several papers in German and English language. It will be presented during the lecture "Glasperlenherstellung am holzbefeuerten Lehmofen".

Bibliographic data:


For the very first time during a IRM, the Villa Borg's bead furnace will be in use. During the IRM2017, Christian Rupp (Perlenschmiede) will work at the wood-fired Perlenofen PO-Borg-3!

The Perlenschmiede's tent/display will be on the IRM2017 open area, too.

NEW GLASS VESSELS will present a nice new rage of glass vessel, made at the small wood-fired glass furnace GO-Borg-2 at the Archaeological Park Roman Villa Borg.

NEWS BY Geschichtshaendler - Das Kaufhaus der Menschheitsgeschichte!

Jan-Oliver Zilker is very well knows for his Saladins Teehaus und Spezereyen on medieval markets and festivals. Social media is also one of his professions: His networks, and VITA HISTORICA - Ein Verband für lebendige Geschichte und Re-enactment were presented at the IRM2013 and IRM2014.

But the forthcoming project, already previewed at the IRM2015 and IRM2016, is much more complex:


The 1. Medieval World Convention is planned for August 10th - 20th 2017!


This project wil exceed all logistic and areal dimensions, so we are happy to present this detailled at the IRM2017:

The 1. Medieval-World-Convention is a totally new concept of a medieval event. As the original meaning of the word "Convent" (lat. "Meeting"), we understand the 1.Medieval-Convention, as a meeting of everyone linked/interested in the middle ages. It doesn't matter if archeologist, historian, reenactor, hobbyist or interested laymen. Everyone is welcome, the more participate, the more interesting the event will be for everyone. Additionally the duration of the event: So that it's worth travelling even from far away, the convention will last 10 days with the option of attending only 5 days. Special features: Instead of a medieval market we will construct a craftsmen village, organized by the guilds, all carpenters/wood workers are located together, or all smithmen can be found in one alley... All camps will be installed around Jerusalem (The center of the world in those days). An extraordinary place: The ruined castle "Eisenberg" celebrates 700. anniversary and 5 more medieval castles frame this location, which grasslands offer enough space to an event of this scale. This is a "private" event: The Convention is not accesible for anyone, during the week only registered participants are allowed, on the week-ends it's possible to attend for any registered guest to attend. Always under the following condition: Every participant has to be registered to our own network.

In order to offer an interesting programm to the inernational participants, there will be a "Convention-Academy" with a widely scaled offer of courses and workshops. Every participant can offer courses or lectures. The complete programm can be found online, and can be booked online as well. In order to faciliate and to be able to better organize the participation, there is an application in English, French & German, with which you can preorder daily needs, the whole academy programm, and all practical and helpful information, like forecast, shuttlebus-connections from Munich airport or the station in Eisenberg to the convention area.

The whole event location will have a Wifi-connection (via satellite), which is included in the participation fee.

With this concept the application as well as our own social network can be used with the biggest benefit for organizing this convention. In "Jerusalem" we will recreate an oriental bazar/souk, as well as create the convention center. Whole Jerusalem will be covered with canvas and coupoles. The whole atmosphere shall be recreated the most detailed as possible. Depending on the number of participants we will be reconstructing gates of the wall with artifical stonework. There will be also a medieval peasent market with all basic food like bread, vegetables, fruits, fresh milk, meat, fish aso. To the east of Jerusalem, all medieval bathing houses will be placed. Linked to them will be the main sanitary area. Over the whole area there will be up to 8 more sanitary facilities, depending on the number of participants, with Dixi-toilets, water in containers and firewood.

The live Google-map will be updated every week. There will be marked all groups, craftsmen and any other participant (except individuals due to privacy and dataprotection laws - unless preferred to). We will have a poll about how often we should have the convention. Whether everey 2, 3, 4 or 5 years. Along with the convention we will create a new international federation for reenactment "VITA HISTORICA". The main theme of the convention is set for participants who orient with reenacting the period between 400-1500 AD. Everyone should try to recreate the highest authentic level as possible, but it's not absolutely necessary. For all non era equipment there will be a possibility to camp on the parking area. The convention area is exclusively reserved for historic equipment. Electricity will only be in "Jerusalem" and in the tavern-area in "Skandinavia". A dovecote next to Jerusalem will hold a recharging station for all cellphones, GPS, cameras & tablets, where all participants can recharge their devices for a small fee. In order to present information about living-history projects from all over the world, there will be an infromation-tent in any country-camp. This can be the "Castle region Allgäu" for Germany or "Guédelon" for France for example.

We are always open to any idea or suggestion: Please send a mail to



No admission for "normal" visitors! Registration is required for participation in the 1. Medieval World Convention:

Geschichtshaendler - Das Kaufhaus der Menschheitsgeschichte!'s display is located in the IRM2017 open area 12.


more information to come ...


(Details my be subject to change.)



IRM - International Reenactmentmarket (Germany)

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