| IRM - International Reenactmentmarket the International Market for Living History, Reenactment and Experimental Archaeology | ||
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The IRM is always a good opportunity to take a first glimpse at a couple of "first-time-ever-presentations". Since the IRM itself is not too big, these premieres will be only presented separately on this website. During the IRM itself, these pieces will be presented at the individual displays. NEWS BY Schorsch der Schmied Jürgen
Graßler (Schorsch
der Schmied) will present some brandnew all-steel folding
knives, dating mid-7th until 10th century. They feature different handles
and fixing mechanisms: ![]()
Schorsch der Schmied's display is located in the IRM2016 market tent I. Foto: Jürgen Graßler NEWS BY Archäotechnik textile Fläche Marianne Guckelsberger from Iceland and Marled Mader present their new reconstruction of a textile find from Iceland. The lecture "Die Frau in Blau von Ketilsstaðir" (saturday and sunday at 15:00) features the reconstruction and background. Of couse we will not show a picture here - just to keep you curious! Archäotechnik textile Fläche's display is located in the IRM2016 room 4 (Empfangssaal / central hall). NEWS BY Geschichtshaendler - Das Kaufhaus der Menschheitsgeschichte! Jan-Oliver Zilker is very well known for his Saladins Teehaus und Spezereyen on medieval markets and festivals. Social media is also one of his professions: His networks www.mittelalter.com, www.antike.com and VITA HISTORICA - Ein Verband für lebendige Geschichte und Re-enactment were presented at the IRM2013 and IRM2014. But the forthcoming project, already previewed at the IRM2015, is much more complex:
The 1. Medieval World Convention is planned for August 11th - 22nd, 2016!
This project wil exceed all logistic and areal dimensions, so we are happy to present this detailled at the IRM2016:
Information: www.medievalconvention.com No
admission for "normal" visitors! Registration is required for participation
in the 1. Medieval World Convention: www.medievalconvention.com/de/anmeldung.php
Geschichtshaendler - Das Kaufhaus der Menschheitsgeschichte!'s display is located in the IRM2016 open area 12. NEWS BY Grabungsprojekt Wareswald Now achaeology meets 3D-techniques which offer totally new options in visualisation of ancient objects and sites. At
the IRM2016, the Grabungsprojekt
Wareswald in cooperation with the Hochschule
der Bildenden Künste Saar (HBKsaar) presents the newly designed "Cardboard",
which enables a gyroscope-equipped smart-phone
to be used for 3D-viewing. A 3D-visualisation of the Roman Wareswald temple
is the first application, offering virtual views from different viewpoints and
even walks trough the temple. Grabungsprojekt Wareswald's display is located in the IRM2016 room 10 (open gallery). NEWS
BY www.romanglassmakers.de
Also www.romanglassmakers.de will present some new items at the IRM2016. Some of the mould blown glass vessels made during the last two Roman glass furnace projects at the Archaeological Park Roman Villa Borg (Borg Furnace Project 2015/Glastag 2016) were finished off by grinding and polishing recently - but we won't tell execly what to exspect... www.romanglassmakers.de's display is located in the IRM2016 room 2 (large hall). Foto: Frank Wiesenberg
(Details my be subject to change.)
- International Reenactmentmarket (Germany) |