IRM - International Reenactmentmarket

the International Market for Living History, Reenactment and Experimental Archaeology

Zur deutschen Version


Application for IRM

Concept of the IRM*

Participants IRM2025

Program IRM2024

- Premieres IRM2017
- Lectures IRM2017
- Premieres IRM2016
- Lectures IRM2016
- Premieres IRM2015
- Lectures IRM2015
- Premieres IRM2014
- Lectures IRM2014
- Exhibition IRM2013
- Premieres IRM2013
- Lectures IRM2013
- Premieres IRM2012
- Lectures IRM2012
- Premieres IRM2011
- Lectures IRM2011

Contact Details

Exhibition Rooms






Website Changes*



NOTICE: Pages marked with an asterix* are currently available in German language only.




Program of the IRM2013


The IRM offers a more elaborate program for both, visitors as well as participants, than most other reenactors markets.

For the first time, the IRM2013 will host a special exhibtion!

This year's topic will be reconstructed Roman glass vessels made by the ROMAN GLASSMAKERS Mark Taylor & David Hill - "ZIRKUSBECHER UND RIPPENSCHALEN" (circus beakers and ribbed bowls).

See for details.
(German language only)


The program of the IRM2013:

Friday, 19.04.201311:00 - 18:00

time span for arriving and building-up


Saturday, 20.04.20138:00 - 11:00time span for arriving and building-up
11:00 - 18:00Reenactors Market ist open for publicVilla Borg
12:00 - 12:30opening of the IRM2013 (German) Seminarraum
12:30 - 13:30guided tour in the exhibition "ZIRKUSBECHER & RIPPENSCHALEN" (English)Empfangssaal
13:00 - 13:30lecture "Europaeisches soziales Netzwerk der Geschichte 'Mittelalter'" by Jan-Oliver Zilker (German)Seminarraum
14:00 - 14:30lecture "Making Roman Ribbed Bowls" by Frank Wiesenberg (English) Seminarraum
 14:00 - 14:30lecture by Michael Kuhn (German)Museumsraum
 14:30 - 15:00lecture on Roman cooking by Edgar Comes (German)Küche
 15:00 - 15:30lecture "Archaeologie in Bilder kleiden? Ueberlegungen zur westslawischen Frauentracht" by Sylvia Crumbach (German)Seminarraum
15:00 - 16:00guided tour in the exhibition "ZIRKUSBECHER & RIPPENSCHALEN"Empfangssaal
 16:00 - 16:30lecture "Was ist eigentlich eine Rekonstruktion?" by Christian Koepfer (German)Seminarraum
 16:30 - 17:00lecture on Roman cooking by Edgar Comes (German)Küche
 17:00 - 17:30lecture "Experimental Archaeology in Crafts" by Dr. Katrin Kania (English)Seminarraum
starting at 19:00



near the Küche
Sonday, 21.04.201311:00 - 18:00Reenactors Market ist open for publicVilla Borg
12:00 - 12:30lecture "Eine kleine Geschichte vom Feuer" by Martin HeiderSeminarraum
12:30 - 13:30guided tour in the exhibition "ZIRKUSBECHER & RIPPENSCHALEN" (English)Empfangssaal
13:00 - 13:30lecture "Europaeisches soziales Netzwerk der Geschichte 'Mittelalter'" by Jan-Oliver Zilker (German)Seminarraum
14:00 - 14:30lecture "Zur Herstellungstechnik roemischer Rippenschalen" by Frank Wiesenberg (German) Seminarraum
 14:00 - 14:30lecture by Michael Kuhn (German)Museumsraum
 14:30 - 15:00lecture on Roman cooking by Edgar Comes (German)Küche
 15:00 - 15:30lecture "Archaeologie in Bilder kleiden? Ueberlegungen zur westslawischen Frauentracht" by Sylvia Crumbach (German)Seminarraum
15:00 - 16:00guided tour in the exhibition "ZIRKUSBECHER & RIPPENSCHALEN"Empfangssaal
 16:00 - 16:30lecture "Was ist eigentlich eine Rekonstruktion?" by Christian Koepfer (German)Seminarraum
 16:30 - 17:00lecture on Roman cooking by Edgar Comes (German)Küche
 17:00 - 17:30lecture "Experimental Archaeology in Crafts" by Dr. Katrin Kania (English)Seminarraum
 18:00 - 20:00

time span for closing down and departing


Monday, 22.04.201210:00 - 18:00time span for closing down and departing

Details may be subject to change.


For further informations please refer to the pages



IRM - International Reenactmentmarket (Germany)

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A service of the

Roman Villa Borg