IRM - International Reenactmentmarket

the International Market for Living History, Reenactment and Experimental Archaeology

Zur deutschen Version


Application for IRM

Concept of the IRM*

Participants IRM2025

Program IRM2024

- Premieres IRM2017
- Lectures IRM2017
- Premieres IRM2016
- Lectures IRM2016
- Premieres IRM2015
- Lectures IRM2015
- Premieres IRM2014
- Lectures IRM2014
- Exhibition IRM2013
- Premieres IRM2013
- Lectures IRM2013
- Premieres IRM2012
- Lectures IRM2012
- Premieres IRM2011
- Lectures IRM2011

Contact Details

Exhibition Rooms






Website Changes*



NOTICE: Pages marked with an asterix* are currently available in German language only.




Program of the IRM2014


The IRM offers a more elaborate program for both, visitors as well as participants, than most other reenactors markets.

In addition to the lectures listed below, the IRM2014 will feature a tombola brought to you by Archaeotechnik textile Flaeche and a premiere presentation of a brand-new publication.


The program of the IRM2014:

Friday, 4.04.201410:00 - 18:00

time span for arriving and building-up


Saturday, 5.04.20148:00 - 10:00time span for arriving and building-up
10:00 - 18:00Reenactors Market ist open for publicVilla Borg
 12:00 - 12:30

Lecture "Das römische Glasofenprojekt der Villa Borg" (the Villa Borg Roman glass furnace project) by Frank Wiesenberg

Seminarraum (upstairs)
13:00 - 13:30Lecture "VITA HISTORICA - Ein Verband für lebendige Geschichte und Re-enactment" (VITA HISTORICA - a community for living history and re-enactment) by Jan-Oliver Zilker Seminarraum (upstairs)
14:00 - 14:30Lecture "Nüchterne Blicke eines Malers auf antike Farben" (a painter's sober views on antique colours) by Jan HochbruckSeminarraum (upstairs)
 14:30 - 15:00Lecture on Roman cooking by Edgar ComesKüche
 15:00 - 15:30Lecture "Die Farbe Blau - Herstellung und Bedeutung in Island und Grönland" (the colour blue - the making and meaning in Iceland and Greenland) by Marianne Guckelsberger (Iceland)Seminarraum (upstairs)
 16:00 - 16:30Lecture "Mit dem Webstuhl in die Vorzeit!
Textilforschung und Rekonstruktion textiler Techniken in der ersten Hälfte des 20. Jahrhunderts mit Ausblick auf die Folgen am Beispiel Brettchenweben"
(history of research and reconstruction of tablet weaving) by Sylvia Crumbach
Seminarraum (upstairs)
 16:30 - 17:00Lecture on Roman cooking by Edgar ComesKüche

17:00 - 17:30

Lecture "Das Projekt GENERATIONES: Die 'Römer' als Standardlegionäre, über Jahrhunderte gleich ausgestattet?! - es liegt in der Verantwortung der Römergruppen, an diesem Bild etwas zu ändern." (project GENERATIONES: Romas beings standarised legionaries?! The re-enactment groups are responsible for changing this image) by Alexander Zimmermann

Seminarraum 1. OG
starting at 19:00



near the Küche (Roman kitchen)
Sunday, 6.04.201410:00 - 18:00Reenactors Market ist open for publicVilla Borg
11:00Farmer's market openingin front of the Villa Borg gate house
 12:00 - 12:30

Lecture "Das römische Glasofenprojekt der Villa Borg" (the Villa Borg Roman glass furnace project) by Frank Wiesenberg

Seminarraum (upstairs)
13:00 - 13:30Lecture "VITA HISTORICA - Ein Verband für lebendige Geschichte und Re-enactment" (VITA HISTORICA - a community for living history and re-enactment) by Jan-Oliver Zilker Seminarraum (upstairs)
14:00 - 14:30Lecture "Nüchterne Blicke eines Malers auf antike Farben" (a painter's sober views on antique colours) by Jan HochbruckSeminarraum (upstairs)
 14:30 - 15:00Lecture on Roman cooking by Edgar ComesKüche
 15:00 - 15:30Lecture "Die Farbe Blau - Herstellung und Bedeutung in Island und Grönland" (the colour blue - the making and meaning in Iceland and Greenland) by Marianne Guckelsberger (Iceland)Seminarraum (upstairs)
 16:00 - 16:30Lecture "Mit dem Webstuhl in die Vorzeit!
Textilforschung und Rekonstruktion textiler Techniken in der ersten Hälfte des 20. Jahrhunderts mit Ausblick auf die Folgen am Beispiel Brettchenweben"
(history of research and reconstruction of tablet weaving) by Sylvia Crumbach
Seminarraum (upstairs)
 16:30 - 17:00Lecture on Roman cooking by Edgar ComesKüche
 18:00 - 20:00

time span for closing down and departing


Monday, 7.04.201410:00 - 18:00time span for closing down and departing


All lectures are held in German language.

Details may be subject to change.


For further informations please refer to the pages



IRM - International Reenactmentmarket (Germany)

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A service of the

Roman Villa Borg